SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor

A Direct-Reading Personal Dust Monitor for the Measurement of Silica Levels


The SKC SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor is a direct-reading personal dust monitor that is ideal for the measurement of silica levels specified in the OSHA Final Silica Rule. It's light-weight design makes it ideal for active workers and the SM-4000 can withstand varying conditions.

Calibrated to a known amount of silica dust, SM-4000 provides direct readings for determination of peak silica concentrations for mitigation and lower TWAs. The SM-4000 also features a low sensing range down to 1 µg/m3 and a high precision of ± 3 µg/m3.

The internal pump and gravimetric filter cassette (directly behind the sensor) allow for the concurrent collection of a gravimetric sample for silica analysis and cross-calibration.

The SM-4000 Silica Monitor is ideal for perimeter monitoring of regulated areas with user-set alarms, task monitoring, recording time history of dust levels and more. 

The SKC SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor is available from Air-Met Scientific for rental only. For more information, contact your local Air-Met office. 

SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor Features Include:

  • Low sensing range down to 1 µg/m3
  • High precision of ± 3  µg/m3
  • Readings display in  µg/m3 -  no conversions needed
  • Comes standard with GS-3 Cyclone that conforms to ISO 7708/CEN Criteria
  • Concurrent filter sampling option for lab analysis and/or cross-calibration of displayed results
  • Sensor and filter cassette clips directly in the breathing zone
  • Datalogging

SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor Specifications:

Sensor Light scattering
Flow Rate 2.75 L/min (user adjustable)
Sensing Range 1 to 20,0000 µg/m3 (0.001 to 20 mg/m3)
Precision ± 3 µg/m3 (0.003 mg/m3)
Display Concentration in µg/m3, TWA, STEL, MIN and MAX
Accuracy ± 10% to filter gravimetric SAE fine test dust
Gravimetric Filter Sampling Requirements 37-mm PVC fr the supplied 37-mm-in-line casette (25-mm filter and casette options are avaliable)

SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor Applications Include:

  • Permiter monitoring for regulated areas with user-set alars
  • evaluation of controls and work activities
  • Recoding time history of dust levels
  • Filter sampling for lab analysis
  • Task moonitoring
  • Selecting PPE
SKC SM-4000 Personal Silica Monitor Support Material