ORION Smart Vibration Monitoring Terminal
The 01dB ORION Smart Vibration Monitoring Terminal monitors all vibration measurements created by human activity.

With urban development becoming ever more dense, new construction sites get under way every day. Such sites generate noise and vibration liable to have an impact on the health of workers, the peace and quiet enjoyed by nearby residents, and the physical integrity of buildings and architectural structures.
Vibrations created by construction equipment may cause structural damage (cracks, movement, collapse, etc.) or damage to sensitive equipment (computer systems, laboratory equipment, etc.). It is important to implement monitoring solutions so as to prevent these risks from the very start of a construction project.
The 01dB ORION Smart Vibration Monitoring Terminal is the new addition to the 01dB monitoring range, covering all vibration measurements created by human activity. Borrowing the best features of DUO and CUBE, ORION offers unrivalled vibration monitoring performance.
ORION is fully integrated in the 01dB ecosystem and shares the same web-based interface, dBTrait analysis software and 01dB WebMonitoring online services as the other products in the range.
Contact Air-Met Scientific for more information.
01dB ORION Features Include:
The 01dB ORION Smart Vibration Monitoring Terminal offers unrivalled vibration monitoring features:
Easy To Configure
Can be mounted horizontally or vertically
Spirit level
Automatic start-up of measurements
QR code to log on
iOS, Android and Windows mobile apps
Web interface
- Strong casing
- Waterproof to IP65
- Robust connectors
- Battery life of 30 hours
- 3G modem
- Wi-Fi access point
- Ethernet
- Advanced Push Mode
- HTTP commands for integrators
- Three internal vibration channels
- Three external vibration channels
- One pressure microphone channel
- Five integrated standards (including DIN 4150-3 and BS 5228-4)
- Smart alarm thresholds
01dB ORION Specifications Include:
For more information about the 01dB ORION Vibration Monitoring Terminal, please contact Air-Met Scientific.
01dB ORION Applications Include:
ORION is the most complete vibration monitoring station on the market. Vibrations can be monitored, evaluated and analysed in many situations:
- Demolition sites
- Construction sites
- Pile driving
- Explosions (mines, tunnels, etc.)
- Tunneling
- Transport (road, rail)