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Full Disclosure Instant Wipe Surface/Skin Lead Test Kit
For Instant Detection of Lead on Skin and Surfaces.

SKC Full Disclosure Kits contain everything you need to detect the presence of lead in the field on skin and surfaces.
A kit is available that contains additional items that allow for quantitative analysis.
All kits include 11 pairs of nitrile gloves, 10 pre-packaged wipes, Disclosing SR Powder, Extraction Solution, Deionized water for preparing Developing Solution, Complete instructions 10 sheets waxed paper. See the attached data sheet for all specifications and details
For more information on the Full Disclosure Instant Wipe Surface/Skin Lead Test Kit, contact your local Air-Met office.
- Unlike existing lead detection systems, Full Disclosure can be used on human skin, including the face, and on surfaces without damage because the test reagents never touch the test surface
- Immediate colour change alerts exposed individuals to perform more thorough hand or surface washing
- Intensity of colour bloom can be used to indicate relative lead levels
- Positive wipes can be sent to a laboratory for quantitative analysis if desired
- Full Disclosure was developed and patented by the CDC-NIOSH (U.S. Patent No. 6,248,593)
- Can be used on face and neck making it highly suitable for use at shooting ranges
All kits include:
- 11 pairs of nitrile gloves
- 10 pre-packaged wipes
- Disclosing SR Powder #1
- Extraction Solution #2
- Deionized water for preparing Developing Solution #3
- 10 sheets waxed paper
- Complete instructions
- Determine the effectiveness of hand washing to remove lead residues
- Educate workers in industries where lead is an occupational hazard
- Spot-check lead-contaminated work surfaces
- Evaluate the presence of lead and the effectiveness of its removal