Customer Feedback


Customer Feedback

Customer Compliments, Complaints & Feedback

At Air-Met, we welcome and value your compliments, complaints and suggestions. Your feedback will help us improve the quality of our information, products and services.

The purpose of this form is to collect feedback from customers about your interactions with Air-Met Scientific. You will find a space at the bottom of this form that allows you to tell us in detail about your feedback.

All feedback and complaints will be treated in the utmost professional manner and will be reviewed and acted on in accordance with Air-Met Scientific's Quality Management System in a timely manner. For more information about Air-Met's procedure for dealing with complaints, suggestions or any other feedback, please contact us on 1800 000 744. 

A copy of Air-Met's Feedback Procedure is available on request. 

Please note: You must complete all REQUIRED* fields.

In submitting this information you acknowledge that you have read and agree with our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.