Air-Met Scientific Product Update | THM1176-MF Probe Replacement


Product Update | THM1176-MF Probe Replacement

THM1176-MF Magnetic Field Meter Probe Replacement
Affects Probe Version "BO"

It has come to our attention the affected instrument can sometimes go outside the specified tolerance limits within a calibration interval. Affected probes will be replaced with a new version, probe "B1" for free when units are sent backs to the supplier for calibration. All new units being produced will come with the version "B1" probe.

The affected units are those with probe version “B0", sold between January 2015 and July 2016. Customers can check the probe version in the “Info” field on the “Setup” page of the THM1176 software (see below image).


The free replacement is offered until the end of 2019.

Should you be affected by this issue, please click here to locate your local Air-Met office or call 1800 000 744 to speak to one of our friendly representatives. 

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Date and Time

Sun. 16 Dec 2018

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Product Update | THM1176-MF Probe Replacement