5G Code Selective Measurements with the Narda SRM-3006 Radiation meter
5G Code Selective Measurements with the SRM-3006 Radiation Meter
While the SRM-3006 Radiation Meter is well equipped to handle 2G, 3G and 4G/LTE, can the SRM-3006 correctly measure 5G broadband measurements?
With 5G networks boasting a bandwidth of up to 100 MHz, even 400 MHz in the FR2 frequency range, is it possible to measure these new services correctly using the Narda SRM-3006 Selective Radiation Meter with its 20MHz/32MHz maximum measurement?
Certainly! The solution is just one click away in the below video from released recently from Narda. The below video from Narda discusses how such a bandwidth is not mandatory to make proper measurements of a 5G signal. Watch the below video to learn how you can make proper measurements using the SRM-3006.
The Narda Safety Test Solutions EMF product range is available exclusively from Air-Met Scientific in Australia.
For more information on SRM-3006 5G Code Selective Measurements, download the Application Note today or contact one of our six offices nationwide on 1800 000 744.