5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Personal Air Sampling Pump


Personal air sampling plays an important role in measuring a worker’s exposure to a range of hazardous substances that could impact their health. Unlike area air sampling pumps, personal air sampling pumps are designed to be worn on the body of the worker and is used to measure exposure to hazardous substances where the worker is undertaking their tasks. Personal sampling pumps are frequently used to monitor for a range of harmful substances such dust, vapours or gases that can arise because of construction, industrial processes, or emergency situations. Samples obtained are sent off for analysis so that steps and processes can be taken to limit the effect of the exposure on the worker’s health.

How Does a Personal Air Sampling Pump Work

Personal air sampling is conducted by drawing a known volume of air using a sampling pump at a precise flow rate through a suitable sampling medium. For sampling particulates and fumes, the medium would be a filter paper or solid media whereas for gases and vapours, a sorbent tube or an impinger/bubbler is used instead. For grab samples of gases, a gas sampling bag, such as a Tedlar bag, is used.
These samples are then analysed in a laboratory where calculations are made to determine how much of the substance the worker was exposed to.

How to Select a Personal Air Sampling Pump

While a sampling pump’s dimensions, weight, portability, ease of use and connectivity capabilities are important criteria when selecting the right sampling pump for your monitoring requirements, other considerations that can assist in making an informed choice include:

  • Battery Life - Air sampling equipment with a long battery life is required to maintain operation throughout the monitoring period. In environments with large concentrations of contaminants such as in the oil and gas industry and construction sites, the sampling pump can be put under changeable amounts of operating stress. As the filter media becomes loaded with the sample, the pump must work harder to overcome back pressure and in turn draws more power from the battery. Lithium-Ion battery-operated pumps such as the SKC AirChek Essential have a significant advantage over nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium batteries as they have the highest energy density. This means fewer battery cells are required to achieve the same energy output. This also makes the pump lighter and smaller. Long battery life also means the pump does not require a constant recharge. Air sampling professionals such as consultants or hygienists can potentially have  the ability to attend multiple job sites without the need to take heavy charging gear with them if they have a air sampling pump with a long battery run time.
  • Wearability - With the requirement of monitoring for long durations, in most cases, during an entire work shift. The size and weight of the sampling pump plays a critical role in the pump selection process. Selecting a small, lightweight and comfortable pump not only encourages workers to engage in the monitoring process but also ensures that it is as non-disruptive as possible to the worker. The pump is usually attached to the belt of the worker and is connected to the collecting device by a tube. The air sampler can also be clipped close to the workers breathing zone for more accurate samples.

  • Safety And Application Sustainability -  Environments such as in the oil and gas industry carry the possibility of an explosive situation. It is important to consider the intrinsic safety certification of the pump as it may be a source of ignition.
    Pumps such as the SKC AirChek Connect carry the IECEx intrinsic safety certification and are deemed safe to use in such environments. The IECEx intrinsic safety certification is the only accepted certification in Australia for electrical equipment that is used in potentially explosive atmospheres. Be sure to look out for the IECEx intrinsic safety certification on your pump to ensure compliance.
    Ingress Protection ratings, otherwise known as IP ratings are also important criteria when selecting the right pump for the job. An IP Rating is a classification rating used to define the different levels of sealing effectiveness of electrical enclosures against intrusions from external factors such as water, dust and moisture. When selecting a pump, consider the environment in which the pump will be used and whether an IP rating will be required for your pump. Most pumps currently on the market have an IP rating such as the AirChek 3000 Sampling Pump which has an IP64 rating meaning it is dust and rain/splash-proof.

  • Flow Rate – A key factor in selecting the correct sampling pump is to consider the types of hazards you are going to be measuring. Before purchasing an air sample unit, determine if the pump will be used to sample gases, vapours, or particulates as this will determine the flow rate that you need for your pump. Gases and vapours are sampled at a low flow rate to allow for effective absorption onto the sorbent material. A low flow pump such as the SKC Pocket Pump Touch should be used as it has a flow range of 20-500ml/min. A high flow pump such as the SKC AirChek Touch is used to sample for particulates as it enables airborne particles to be captured from the air and drawn to the filter material. 

  • Connectivity and Bluetooth - Connectivity with Bluetooth has become a common trend in most monitoring equipment. It is a great feature to have in air sample pumps as Bluetooth is a low energy technology, so it can be included in the pump design without draining the battery. This also means occupational hygienists and consultants can monitor remotely, control and email data from the pump to their mobile phones or portable devices without having to disturb the worker. The SKC AirChek Connect is a great option for those looking for a Bluetooth connected pump. The AirChek Connect also comes equipped with a powerful Li-Ion battery which provides over 40 hours of run time at 2000ml/min.

With such a variety of air sampling equipment, media and accessories available in the market, it can be hard to select the right equipment for your air sampling needs. Contact your local Air-Met representatives today and let us help you select the right sampling equipment for your project. Personal Air Sampling Pumps are available at your local Air-Met office for sale or for rent.
Air-Met Scientific has been proudly distributing and servicing the SKC product range since 1984.


Need Assistance with Buying or Renting a Personal Air Sampling Pump?

If you have any questions about personal air sampling pumps or equipment, contact your local Air-Met Scientific office today. With 6 offices location around Australia, our teams can help you with air sampling requirements.

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5 Things to Consider Before Buying a Personal Air Sampling Pump