Air-Met Scientific - A Proud Platinum Sponsor of FAMANZ

Air-Met Scientific is proud to be a platinum sponsor of the Faculty of Asbestos Management of Australia & New Zealand (FAMANZ). Air-Met Scientific strongly supports the advancement of asbestos management through furthering knowledge and understanding within related industries.

Exposure to airborne respirable asbestos fibres has led to the premature deaths of workers and community members across Australia with the prevalence of industrial and residential asbestos in Australia still having a large impact on lives - from workers involved in management to the general public – with related diseases causing roughly 4000 deaths per year in Australia. By supporting FAMANZ, Air-Met Scientific aims to help advance industry standards across Australia and contribute to reducing the associated harm caused by exposure.

FAMANZ Logo - Air-Met Scientific

Air-Met Scientific supplies industry professionals with a range of asbestos sampling and monitoring equipment available for sale and rental. Visit Dust and Aerosol Sampling for more information.

Who is FAMANZ?

Chaired by industry professionals with extensive knowledge and experience, FAMANZ aims to reduce the associated harm to the community by advancing education, improving management practice, and furthering industry knowledge to provide a safe and healthier environment for workers and the community.

The organisation provides a professional home for practitioners providing services to the asbestos industry including:

  • occupational hygienists
  • environmental consultants
  • contractors
  • building managers
  • regulators (WHS and EPA)
  • demolition contractors
  • C&D waste recycling industry
  • waste disposal industry
  • suppliers
  • allied industries.

The Dangers of Asbestos Fibres

Due to the fibrous nature of the mineral, airborne fibres can be easily inhaled by humans and can become trapped in the lungs. Exposure to these fibres increases the risk of developing cancers of the lung, ovary, larynx and mesothelioma. These illnesses have caused great harm throughout the past and continue to do so due to the presence of contaminated materials remaining in buildings across the country. The remanence of which continue to harm workers in industries such as construction, mining and the asbestos management. As such, one of FAMANZ’s key objectives is to encourage and promote research into related diseases, which will lead to the reduction in associated harm on Australian and New Zealand workers.

Striving for a Safer Future in Asbestos Management

FAMANZ aspires to further the standard industry practice, in terms of assessment, management and remediation. Currently, technological innovations are being developed within the industry, providing new opportunities for the standard practice to become safer and more efficient. One area that is seeing a growth in innovation are the methods used for assessing the airborne contaminants used by qualified assessors.

Asbestos monitoring is a highly important aspect in providing a safe environment for industry workers, as well as the community. Monitoring can also aid in mitigating exposure to the fibres whilst also determining the effectiveness of control procedures – helping to remedy safety issues. By innovating these practices, safety measures can be implemented faster as well as more efficiently.

Where can I get more information on Asbestos management in Australia

Asbestos exposure is a continuing threat in both residential and industrial applications. A great range of information about asbestos can be found via the links below.

For more information about FAMANZ and becoming an accredited member, visit: https://famanz.org/