Industry - Professional Advancement Awards

Industry - Professional Advancement Awards

Industry - Professional Advancement Awards

At Air-Met Scientific, we continuously strive to assist in the elimination and control of workplace health, safety and environmental hazards. In addition to supplying, servicing and renting equipment and solutions that assist in this process, we firmly believe that education is just as important in promoting health and safety.

As a result, Air-Met Scientific is proud to work closely with highly respected industry bodies such as the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH) and the Faculty of Asbestos Management of Australia & New Zealand (FAMANZ) to present professional advancement awards to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to their field of work for further professional development.

AIOH | Air-Met Scientific Professional Advancement Award
FAMANZ | Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award

Working together with the AIOH, Air-Met Scientific sponsors the AIOH Air-Met Scientific Professional Advancement Award which is presented annually at the AIOH Conference.

The premier professional award provides a mid-career applicant with an all-expenses paid opportunity for professional development through attendance at the AIHA Connect Conference and Exhibition from the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), an invitation to travel post conference to SKC Inc. in Pennsylvania, USA, and additional associated visits relevant to the recipient’s area of expertise.


Past Winners
2001 Gary Rhyder (Workcover NSW) 2002 Robert Golec (AMCOSH)
2003 Jen Hines (Bluescope Steel) 2004 Yanel Lara (AMCOSH)
2005 Julia Norris (SWOSH) 2006 Gerard Tiernan (SIMTARS)
2007 Caroline Langley (Injury Prevention and Management) 2008 Kevin Hedges (Queensland Government Mines Inspectorate)
2009 Linda Apthorpe (Pickford Rhyder) 2010 Jane Whitelaw (University of Woolongong)
2011 Tracey Bence (Chevron) 2012 Sue McGurty (Worksafe Victoria)
2013 Liam Wilson (Rio Tinto Coal Australia) 2014 Kerrie Burton (Bluescope Steel)
2015  Raelene Young (Viva Energy) 2016  Samantha Clarke (Workplace Risk Solutions)
2017 Sharyn Gaskin (University of Adelaide) 2018  Jwalit Parikh (HSE Australia)
2019 Peter Aspinall (WSP) 2020 Award not presented due to COVID-19
2021 Mark Reggers (3M) 2022 Kerry McDougall (Occupational Hygiene Consulting)
2023 Andrew McCarthy 2024 Jason Green


Collaborating with FAMANZ, Air-Met Scientific is proud to sponsor the Air-Met Scientific Derek Miller Award. As a platinum sponsor of FAMANZ, Air-Met Scientific values FAMANZ’s purpose, and endeavours to support its pursuit of higher health and safety standards in asbestos. The Air-Met Scientific Award is presented annually at the FAMANZ Asbestos Conference to an individual in recognition of outstanding contributions to the asbestos industry through voluntary work, mentoring, technical development, promoting best practice in the field or leadership.

The nominee is granted the opportunity to visit an international asbestos conference of their choice including BOHS FAAM, Asbestonomy, and the European Asbestos Forum, on a professional development trip sponsored by Air-Met Scientific.

Past Winners
2023 Samantha O'Callaghan (Hibbs) 2024 Richard Wilkinson (Tetra Tech Coffey)