520 Series Inorganic Mercury Passive Sampler
Highly Accurate and Sensitive Vapour Badge Designed to Passively Sample Mercury.

Several methods for determining personal exposure levels of inorganic mercury vapour are available. Sampling methods that employ passive samplers are desirable because they are simple to perform and eliminate the need for sampling pumps. Unfortunately, most passive samplers must be returned to the manufacturer for analysis by proprietary procedures.
SKC, however, offers an elemental mercury sampler that is designed for analysis using standard laboratory equipment; therefore, the cost per measurement is kept to an absolute minimum compared to other samplers. The 520 Series Elemental Mercury Sampler measures worker exposure levels as a Time-weighted Average (TWA) and permits the positive analysis of elemental mercury vapour.
The OSHA Laboratory in Salt Lake City, Utah, conducted an evaluation of the SKC elemental mercury sampler over a broad range of mercury concentrations and sampling times. The evaluation consisted of the following major experiments: validation of the sampling rate, desorption efficiency, precision and accuracy, storage stability, reverse diffusion, face velocity dependence, and comparison of methods. The method of reference for this evaluation is OSHA ID-140.
Mercury vapour enters the sampler by positive, controlled diffusion so that a known sample volume is taken for a given period of time. Mercury is completely adsorbed onto the solid sorbent. The sorbent capsule is then taken to an accredited laboratory where the sorbent is dissolved in acid and analysed by flameless atomic absorption. The sampler holder is cleaned and reused, thereby reducing sampling costs.
For more information on the 520 Series Inorganic Mercury Passive Sampler, contact your local Air-Met office.
- High capacity
- Extensively field tested
- Validation based on OSHA Method ID-140
- Specified in Health and Safety Executive (UK) Method MDHS 16/2
- Meets NIOSH and OSHA standards
- Lowest cost per measurement available
- Reusable capsule holder
- Replaceable sorbent capsule
- Easy-to-use
- Attach to a worker’s collar or pocket
- No pump needed
- Lightweight: Weighs 0.5 ounce
- Long-term sampling up to 120 hours
- High accuracy and sensitivity
- Positive analysis of inorganic mercury
- Limit of detection: 0.01 µg
- Limit of quantitation: 0.04 µg
- Sampling and experimental error: ± 8.6%
- Removable sorbent capsule eliminates false high readings due to contamination of badge housing
- Background: 0.02 µg/200 mg section
- No moisture or chlorine interferences
- Extensive field testing and chamber studies show accuracy without interference from either moisture or chlorine
- Simple analysis
- Uses standard laboratory equipment and analytical methods
- Inorganic mercury vapour sampling